“My son started lessons with Paul a few weeks ago, tutoring for A level maths. Paul has responded to what my son needs, checking on his progress and working hard to identify areas of strength and weakness in his maths. The personal focus and dedicated support is exceptional, I’m very happy to recommend Paul as a tutor.”
Hannah (A-Level)

“My daughter has had several lessons with Paul for her A level maths. Paul is very dedicated, well prepared for each lesson. The lesson is tailored to what she needs. My daughter is very pleased with him. I am confident that Paul will help her achieve a solid grade A. We highly recommend Paul. Thanks Paul.”
Qizhi (A-Level)

“Paul is excellent. Pushed me hard, allowing me to take higher paper and ultimately getting me a great grade in my gcse maths.”
Joel (GCSE)

“Paul is professional and strategic in his approach to tutoring. This leads to measurable improvement in a short time. He is a great communicator, well organised and focused. An unusual aspect to Paul is that he is concerned about bringing real value to the tutoring hour and through this what is best for the pupil; rather than the monetary aspect.”
Pirashantie (GCSE)

“I can not thank nor praise Paul enough for the support he gave my daughter to study maths A level in one year. After her gap year plans were thwarted by Covid she decided to spend the year studying maths so she could change her degree choice from Geography to Civil Engineering (she’d done no maths since her GCSEs two years earlier). From their first online meeting my daughter was confident she would work well with Paul who took time to understand her circumstances and what she needed from the teaching. They started in October and had two sessions a week through to a University entrance exam in July which she passed confidently. Paul took considerable time to understand the course content and tailored her lessons towards the topics needed. He kept me regularly informed of progress and, as the exam got closer, was always available to steer my daughter if she needed any extra guidance between sessions. I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending Paul. He is an excellent tutor.”
Jill C (A-level Maths and Further Maths for University Entrance)

“Paul is an excellent tutor who got me through GCSE and allowed me to far exceed my predicted grade. He explains everything clearly and effectively and makes all aspects of maths enjoyable, adapting to your learning style and pace. I couldn’t have gotten anywhere near the grades I did without him and I cannot recommend him highly enough.”
Richard B (GCSE)

Paul is a great tutor. He helped my daughter with A-Level maths and goes through the process of the questions clearly and explains each step. He builds the lesson to what the student needs and I definitely recommend him.”
Suki L (A-Level)

“My son has been supported by Paul during lockdown. Studying A level further maths and maths he lost all motivation after 6 months of lockdown and his grades tanked to a D in Further! Having the focus and direction from Paul has been invaluable. My son liked, trusted and engaged with him. He is now on track for an A in further and at least an A in maths and has been offered his preferred place to study a maths degree at Uni. I would highly recommend Paul.”
Samantha F (Further Maths A-Level)

“My daughter has really benefitted from Paul’s lessons. He provided tailored support with additional homework that proved really useful. His lessons were pitched at exactly the right pace.”
Carla M (GCSE Foundation)

“Paul has been a fantastic tutor to our son who has been studying A Level Maths during this difficult time. Having Paul there to give advice and support has been brilliant for both our son and for us.

Paul sent regular updates on what topics they had covered each lesson and our son really benefited from his regular sessions with Paul.

I would highly recommend Paul.”
Wendy T (A-Level)

 “Paul has been really brilliant with tutoring our son in GCSE maths. The progression in terms of grades and enjoyment has been outstanding , which my son attributes entirely to Paul’s input. Paul is always punctual and professional and provides great follow up support/ questions where required.”
Richard B (GCSE)
“Paul has tutored two of mine in maths and they have both loved his relaxed student led lessons. He is a great teacher.”
Tamara W (GCSE)
“I can’t praise Paul enough. He’s everything you need in a tutor – knowledgeable, punctual, organised, patient, and genuinely cares about his students. My son found him very easy to work with – and his massively improved grades are a good testament to Paul’s tuition. I would 100% recommend Paul.”
Rachel (A-Level)

“Paul tutored my son for maths A level for 5 months up to him sitting his exams this June. He built up a good rapport with my son, was always prompt, courteous and took time to identify with him which topics they would cover each session. Towards exam time he was flexible and able to do extra sessions if required. His communication was good, following up each lesson with an email reinforcing areas/questions for my son to attempt. He had a positive approach and feel he built up confidence at a crucial time. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Paul as a tutor.”
Mary (A-Level)

“Paul was an excellent tutor for my son. He helped him to understand the areas in his Further Maths A level that he wasn’t sure about. He was reliable and always stayed to finish the lesson even if it ran over an hour. He also sent me follow up emails with my son’s progress and gave him suggested exercises to do. I would have no problem recommending him.”

Julie (Further Maths A-Level)

Very, very happy with Paul’s tutorials. My daughter was struggling with one element of A-Level Maths. Paul has taken that element back to basics and is building up a very good understanding. Pragmatic, helpful, patient, expert, kind, highly recommended.
Richard (A-Level)

“Paul has been very good with teaching my daughter A level maths. He teaches her slightly different to how she’s taught at school, and she understand the material a lot better in the short amount of time she’s been working with him. Very good tutor.”
Pius (A-Level)

“I had online tuition lessons with Paul in order to improve my grade in A-Level maths. Paul is an incredible teacher, even though my lessons were online (on the Tutorful online classroom – which allows both video and voice interactions), this was never a problem as he was still able to break topics down in order to make them easy to understand and made exam questions easy to deal with. Furthermore, Paul also taught me different methods and techniques that I was never taught in school and this further enabled me to improve my understanding. The online tuition was also much more convenient than having to meet a tutor in person as lessons can easily be planned around busy school schedules. I would 100% recommend Paul to anyone who is struggling with their A-Level maths as I believe that without him I wouldn’t have got into university!”
Tarin (A-Level)

“I am a Y13 student, who had Paul to help with my A Level Maths. He helped me drastically to improve and understand on my maths, especially the applied (stats and mechanics) because that is what I struggled with the most. He explained everything in a clear way and when our 1 hour session ran out but I still hadn’t got my head round a topic fully, he gave me an extra free 30 mins to go over it and make sure I fully understood. A great tutor who tries his hardest to help, I would recommend to anyone!”
Alison (A-Level)

“Paul is a very good tutor and easy to get along with. He was excellent at setting appropriate targets for me and breaking down maths problems into manageable steps. Would highly recommend to anyone!”
Greg (A-Level)

“Paul is friendly, relaxed and approachable, and is obviously an experienced, capable maths tutor. My son was on track for a 6, just a few months before GCSEs, he ended up with a 7 and only missed out on an 8 by a few marks. I have no hesitation in recommending Paul.”
Paul (GCSE)

Thanks Paul. My daughter really enjoyed the lessons with you, and it has definitely helped her to pass her GCSE.
Thanks again….
Eric (GCSE)

“Hi Paul, My son got a 5 in Maths which is pretty amazing considering where he was a few years ago. Thank you so much for your help. It really made a difference.”

“Very good lesson preparation and responsive to our needs.”
Christopher (A-Level Mechanics)

“Hi Paul. A big thank you for your help. [My daughter] got a 5 in her Higher Level. We’re all really happy.”
Susan (GCSE)

“Thanks for your help Paul. You got us over the line!”
Joe (A-Level Further Maths)

“Thank you for all your help.”
Yifan (UKMT Senior Challenge)