If you are interested in online lessons please contact me on 078 12 49 49 57 or at ueitutors (at) gmail (dot) com for details.

This is what one of my pupils said about her online lessons:

“I had online tuition lessons with Paul in order to improve my grade in A-Level maths. Paul is an incredible teacher, even though my lessons were online (on the Tutorful online classroom – which allows both video and voice interactions), this was never a problem as he was still able to break topics down in order to make them easy to understand and made exam questions easy to deal with. Furthermore, Paul also taught me different methods and techniques that I was never taught in school and this further enabled me to improve my understanding. The online tuition was also much more convenient than having to meet a tutor in person as lessons can easily be planned around busy school schedules. I would 100% recommend Paul to anyone who is struggling with their A-Level maths as I believe that without him I wouldn’t have got into university!”
Tarin (A-Level Maths)

A screenshot of the classroom.